Liguus fasciatus solidus
(Say, 1825)

Photos and information on the forms and varieties
of this lower Florida Keys tree snail;
solidus - solidulus - pictus - pseudopictus - splendidus

Photo page No.3


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Liguus fasciatus solidus
(Say, 1825)

Collected in Lower Florida Keys.
Few specimens of solidus have been collected.
The snail has been found on various
keys from Big Pine Key, south, to Key West.
Believed extinct.
L = 55.5 mm  , W = 28.1 mm
[Collection E. Power]


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Liguus fasciatus solidus
variety solidulus
Pilsbry, 1912

Collected on Stock Island, FL.
This shell is from the Stock Island colony, near Key West,
and differs from solidus by having a reversed, yellow,
banding pattern. The habitat and colony were destroyed by
land development, however some transplanted colonies
survive in Everglades National Park.
L = 58.8 mm  , W = 29.9 mm
[Collection E. Power]


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Liguus fasciatus solidus
form pictus
(Reeve, 1842)

Collected on Big Pine Key, FL.
Form pictus is only found in a small colony on Big Pine Key.
It is believed to be extinct in its native location,
but survives in transplanted colonies in the
Everglades National Park and other "planted" colonies.
L = 63.5 mm  , W = 30.4 mm
[Collection E. Power]


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Liguus fasciatus solidus
variety pseudopictus
Simpson, 1920

Collected on Lower Matecumbe Key, FL.
This form exhibits some of the characteristic markings of pictus,
however, the white apex, profuse green lines and
shell base color readily distinguish this shell.
Found only on Lower Matecumbe Key, it is extinct
in its native habitat but survives in transplanted
colonies in the Everglades National Park.
L = 62.5 mm  , W = 29.2 mm
[Collection E. Power]


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Liguus fasciatus solidus
variety splendidus
Frampton, 1932

Collected on Lower Matecumbe Key, FL.
Form splendidus is very similar to pseudopictus but
differs in having profuse flames and a dark straw
base color. Occurs sympatrically with pseudopictus
only on Lower Matecumbe Key. It is extinct in its native
habitat but survives in transplanted colonies
in the Everglades National Park.
L = 61.2 mm  , W = 31.9 mm
[Collection E. Power]


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Liguus fasciatus solidus
variety splendidus
Frampton, 1932
Comparison of two splendidus specimens showing
variation in the amount and intensity of
"flame" markings. Nevertheless the distinguishing
dark straw base color, compared to pseudopictus,

is present in both specimens.


Discussion of the  solidus - solidulus - pictus - pseudopictus - splendidus

The following is a synopsis of information on the type subpecies, form or variety
for; type locality, holotype and/or paratype depository and publication of description.

Liguus fasciatus solidus (Say 1825) -
Type locality: Key West, Florida.[Type collected at Key West (T.R. Peale 1825)]
[Collected at Little Pine Key (Raybon 1904), Big Pine Key (Simpson 1886) and
No Name Key (Pilsbry 1907)].
Holotype:  ANSP No.11494 at ANSP, Philadelphia.
Description:  Say 1825, JANSP, 5: p. 122. (Achatina solida)

Liguus fasciatus solidus variety solidulus Pilsbry 1912 -
Type locality:  Big Pine Key, Florida.[Pure colony on Stock Island, near Key West].
Holotype: ANSP No. 8025 at ANSP, Philadelphia.
Description: Pilsbry 1912, JANSP, (2) 15: p.403, pl. 37, fig.2a.
(Liguus solidus solidulus)

Liguus fasciatus solidus form pictus (Reeve 1842) -
Type locality: Cuba [West side of Big Pine Key, Florida].
Holotype: No. (?), Whereabouts unknown
Description: Reeve 1842, Conchologia Systematica, 2, pl. 178, fig. 1; 1842,
Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 10; p. 56. (Achatina picta).

Liguus fasciatus solidus variety pseudopictus  Simpson 1920 -
Type locality: Near middle of Lower Matecumbe Key, Florida.
Holotype: FLMNH No. 128063 (Simpson coll. leg. UM) at FLMNH, Gainesville.
Description:  Simpson 1920, PBSW 33: p. 122. (Liguus solidus pseudopictus)

Liguus fasciatus solidus variety splendidus Frampton 1932 -
Type locality: Lower Matecumbe Key, middle hammock, Florida.
Holotype: No. (?) in Frampton collection. Whereabouts (?).
Paratype(s): MCZ No. 80454 at MCZ, Harvard.
Description: Frampton 1932, PBSW, 45: p. 57. (Liguus solidus splendidus).

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