Liguus fasciatus elliotensis
Pilsbry, 1912

Photos and information on the forms and varieties
of this Florida tree snail;
elliottensis - cingulatus - eburneus - capensis - vacaensis
Photo page No. 7


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Liguus fasciatus elliottensis
Pilsbry, 1912

Collected on Elliott's Key, Florida.
This Liguus is found on the
surrounding chain of keys and North Key Largo.
It has been reportedly found in Brickell Hammock.
This subspecies and the related shells in the group
are thought to be related to castaneozonatus but
with the total loss of pink and dark pigmentation.
[Collection E. Power]
L= 53.8  mm   W= 31.8  mm


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Liguus fasciatus elliottensis
variety cingulatus
Simpson, 1920

Collected in Brickell Hammock, Miami, Florida.
This attractive and not too common shell is found
sporadically in mixed colonies from Brickell Hammock
south to the Cape Sable area.

[Collection E. Power]
L= 58.9.3  mm   W= 29.8  mm


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Liguus fasciatus elliottensis
variety eburneus
Simpson, 1920

Collected at Cox 's Hammock, Dade Co., FL.
This variety is found throughout the Homestead and
Southern Everglades area. It occurs in pure colonies
as well as some mixed colonies. The shell is ivory
white with a total lack of pigmentation or lines
[very seldom a trace of cuticular line.]
[Collection E. Power]
L= 44.1  mm   W= 24.9  mm


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Liguus fasciatus elliottensis
variety capensis
Simpson, 1920

Collected in Cape Sable, SW Everglades National Park, Florida
The shell of capensis is perhaps one of the most elongated of all the Florida Liguus.
The colony is found in the Cape Sable area of the Southwestern tip of the peninsula.
It is becoming a very rare form despite the protection offered by the confines of
the Everglades National Park.
[Collection E. Power]
L= 53.9  mm   W= 26.0  mm


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Liguus fasciatus elliottensis
variety vacaensis
Simpson, 1920

Collected at Vaca Key, near Marathon, Florida Keys.
This Liguus is also found in small colonies on Key Largo. The Vaca Key colony
is almost extinct and the hammock on Key Largo has been developed into a naturalistic
but destructive shopping center. A few specimens may be seen in the native trees
left standing on the parking lot landscaping.
[Collection E. Power]
L= 61.1  mm   W= 30.1  mm


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Liguus fasciatus elliottensis
variety vacaensis
Simpson, 1920

Collected at Key Largo, near central part, Florida Keys.
[Collection E. Power]
L= 59.7  mm   W= 30.4  mm

Discussion of the  elliottensis - cingulatus - eburneus - capensis - vacaensis

The following is a synopsis of information on the type subpecies, form or variety
for; type locality, holotype and/or paratype depository and publication of description.

Liguus fasciatus elliottensis Pilsbry 1912 -
Type locality: Elliott's Key, Florida.
Holotype:  ANSP No. 8008 at ANSP, Philadelphia.
Paratype(s): MCZ No. 48154 at MCZ, Harvard.
Description:  Pilsbry 1912, JANSP, 15 (2): p. 447, pl.37, fig. 3-3b.
(Liguus crenatus elliottensis).

Liguus fasciatus elliottensis variety cingulatus Simpson 1920 -
Type locality:  Brickell Hammock, Miami, Florida.
Holotype: FLMNH No. 241006 (Simpson coll. leg. UM) at FLMNH, Gainesville.
Description: Simpson 1920, PBSW, 33: p. 123.
(Liguus crenatus cingulatus).

Liguus fasciatus elliottensis variety eburneus Simpson 1920 -
Type locality: Timb's Hammock (Timm's), Dade Co., Florida
Holotype: FLMNH No. 241005 (Simpson coll. leg. UM) at FLMNH, Gainesville.
Description: Simpson 1920, LFW, frontispiece, fig. 10; PBSW, 33: p. 122.
(Liguus crenatus eburneus).

Liguus fasciatus elliottensis variety capensis  Simpson 1920 -
Type locality: Northwest Cape Sable, Florida.
Holotype: FLMNH No. 241010 (Simpson coll. leg. UM) at FLMNH, Gainesville.
Paratype(s): MCZ No. 85892 at MCZ, Harvard.
Description:  Simpson 1920, PBSW, 33: p. 122 . (Liguus crenatus capensis).

Liguus fasciatus elliottensis variety vacaensis Simpson 1920 -
Type locality:Key Vaca, SW of Conch Town, Florida.
Holotype: FLMNH No. 241009 (Simpson coll. leg. UM) at FLMNH, Gainesville.
Paratype(s): USNM No. 339091 at USNM, Washington DC.
Description: Simpson 1920, PBSW, 33: p.122. (Liguus  crenatus vacaensis).

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